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Do you have margin in your life?

Margin, otherwise known as whitespace, is a critical element of unlocking your greatest potential. What exactly is margin? I define it as an intentional space in your day to think without overload from external stimulus.

Essentially it is an unstructured time where you are not frantically chasing the next thing, the next to-do, the next swipe of your social feed, the next text message, the next LinkedIn message… it’s stillness.

When is the last time you felt that ;)

It’s a time where you can connect with your inner thoughts and create a space of reflection and self-awareness.

Whitespace thinking is where the creative magic happens.

Once you tune down the noise of your day-to-day you can hear the small whisper of ideas connecting together just beyond your conscious awareness.

Being driven is great and will certainly help you reach your goal, but the lack of margin in your life is certainly a major contributor to the low levels of stress and anxiety experienced from an always-on mentality.

Practicing the habit of margin provides 2 tangible benefits. First, you will have the CLARITY TO SAY NO to “good” opportunities that don’t align to the highest and best use of your time. Second, you will avoid the yo-yo effect caused by adopting the ways of an ACTION JUNKIE… chasing one thing to the next always in motion but never making progress.

Will you have the courage to carve out margin in your life this week?

“The monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” - Albert Einstein

To your success 



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