Creating Momentum

4.17.21 SS Creating Momentum.png

Knowledge without application is useless. 

Making PROGRESS towards a big goal or project CREATES CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WINS that reframe challenges into meaningful endeavors. 

It’s easy to sit on the sideline, all dressed up for game time, TALKING a ton about the game, knowing all the stats of the game, but NEVER ACTUALLY PLAYING the game.

We think we are in the game… but the predictable trap of OVERTHINKING HAS US STUCK on the sidelines infected with a severe case of paralysis by analysis. 

Do you know someone who fits this description? Is that person possibly you?

So how do you create momentum towards your big goal? The only macro strategy that works >> START WITH ONE SMALL STEP!

Here are my 4 go-to strategies to create both space and clarity: 

  1. Get up early to carve out dedicated time (this is not bonus time to scroll social feeds - airplane mode in the morning is your best friend here)

  2. Reduce/eliminate noise (internal chatter & external stimulus)

  3. Tune into yourself (meditation, quiet contemplation, & journaling)

  4. Ask good questions (80/20 principle + start/stop/do list)

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


Dream big. Live aligned!


Frankenstein Expectations


Fear Setting