Gravitational Pull

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What Gravitational Forces Are in Your Life?

The essence of this question requires you to create an inventory of habits and thoughts with a major influence on your life. Positive or negative… oh … brutal honesty is required.

Is your primary gravitational force Netflix & Instagram? Or even your LinkedIn feed [gasp... But I’m networking you say]. Or is it engaging in a meaningful relationship with your spouse, kids, friends?

Breaking free from areas of mediocrity in your life requires active participation on your part to neutralize bad habits and intentionally build a bridge towards the life you desire one small step at a time.

Building your bridge requires FOCUS!

If you are looking to dive deeper into the idea of habit creation I suggest reading Atomic Habits by James Clear or Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. Better yet, read both.

“Never surrender to the momentum of mediocrity” - Marlon Brando

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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